Wednesday 19 October 2011

needing freedom

Music for me isn't just about the beat its about the words. Sometimes a song can explain how you feel better than any words can or say what your not brave enough to say. I've been looking for a song for the last two hours that describes how I feel and this is the closest I got. It was the vulnerability of this one that got to me. Like she was really baring her soul you know. You can always tell when a songs just words and when it has meaning. I also liked let me go by 3 doors down so that's worth a listen as well. To me it talks about feeling trapped and needing to get out in order to find themselves. Of loving the one who is hurting you but knowing its not good for you. Also about escaping it all. So today's blog is just a musical shout out to anyone who's ever felt that way about a relationship.

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